Find Your Worth – Regain Control

Therapy for Individuals
In-Person in Chattanooga and Online Statewide in Tennessee

Call for a free consultation


Welp, there’s the alarm.

Do I get up? Would it really matter if I didn’t?

Rolling out of bed, you make your way to the bathroom. When you see yourself in the mirror, that nasty voice in your mind, let’s call it “The Jerk,” goes wild, picking you apart already…

“There’s the extra weight.”

“You shouldn’t have eaten the burger last night.”

“What’s that on your face?!?! You’re going to require some extra work to look presentable.”

The Jerk attacks again…

As the shower warms up, you pray the kids don’t wake up for at least another 30 minutes.

“You’re not a very good parent. Do you even love your kids?”

You try to fight back.

I can do this. I matter.

But quietly, it’s whispering, “No, you can’t. No, you don’t.”

All day long, The Jerk shows up pushing you around.

“You should’ve taken back roads. You know there’s traffic at this time.”

“That presentation was horrible. What if they fire you?”

“He’s never going to notice you.”

“She’s way out of your league.”



Not enough.


By the end of this exhausting day…

… you just want to shut The Jerk up.

But it’s already prepping for another round of tricks. Can you spot them?

“Maybe a glass or three of wine will take care of that…”

“Perhaps Netflix… a few minutes on the Switch… porn?”

“I know, ice cream!!!”

“No, hit the gym for 30 minutes. You’ll feel much better.”

“I’ll scroll through Facebook, Instagram, and TikTok.”

You’ve been down those roads enough times to know…

… they’re just not going to help – not for long at least.

Now comes the shame and the guilt, and The Jerk just won again.

This isn’t the meaningful life you’ve wanted for yourself.

That dream feels too far off now, especially since none of the advice from google searches, friends, or family has yielded better results.

So, you hop back onto the same hamster wheel of despair.

The Jerk has plagued you for too long! Let’s put an end to The Jerk as the boss.

You don’t need to keep going down this path.

We’ll go back to the source of The Jerk, remove it from the driver’s seat and get you back in control.

Filled with love for yourself, you’ll orient your life in a way that serves your deepest values.

Your days will begin with confidence and sureness. They’ll carry on with grace and poise.

By the end of the day, you’ll feel accomplished and in control. Tomorrow will be another great day.

Welcome to Mountain View Counseling.

Hi, I’m Mark.

Imagine that you’re hard at work fighting with The Jerk in your head all day long when you take a moment to look up.

You step outside and set your eyes on a mountain in the distance – firm, steady, unwavering. It rises from the ground triumphantly in its grandeur and might!

You feel peace, calmness, tranquility at the foot of such a titan!

At Mountain View Counseling, we specialize in helping you confront and overcome The Jerk and regain control in your life.

We help you step back from the problems you’re facing, look up, and trek a life filled with meaning.

What I Offer

Individual Therapy
Online Therapy
EMDR Therapy

You’re more than enough!

Let us help you regain control of your life.

Call today to set up your free phone consultation. We’ll take this next step together and discuss how we’ll help you make lasting changes.

(423) 414-4047