Online Therapy

You’ve already seen ads for online counseling…

You’ve probably clicked the links to their sites. And you might be skeptical about whether it’s right for you. Fair enough.

Online counseling is a different experience from in-person therapy, but it’s becoming the preference of many clients (and therapists).

Why is it gaining so much in popularity?

Let’s talk convenience!

Online counseling can be done from anywhere you’ve got a reliable Internet connection. You can do it from home, your office, your backyard, or even your car (please be parked, though).

You don’t need to drive to my office and deal with traffic. You can conveniently fit counseling in on a lunch break or before you start work for the day.

You’re in your own space. Let your dog sit in your lap. Eat your lunch. Wear your pajamas. You may actually feel more comfortable opening up. Those personal comforts you have at home that aid your therapy experience are available to you when we’re doing online therapy.

It is different from in-person therapy. But…

Many people fear that they’ll have less connection with their therapist because they’re not coming into the office.

But that’s not the case. Studies now show that both in-person and online therapy produce equivalent improvements. Plus, in recent years, we have all honed the skill of connecting electronically, and the quality of video conferencing has improved drastically. Let’s leverage those developments.

And you won’t have to worry about your confidential data in an online world because every session takes place on our secure, HIPAA-compliant platform.

Making the most of your online therapy experience…

Starting online therapy is easy. You’ll need an Internet connection and a device with video capability. You’ll have access to a client portal where you can set up appointments, send secure messages, and join your online therapy sessions. You’ll get the link to your session in your email, click it, and begin therapy. It’s that simple.

Why not give online therapy a try?

Don’t let barriers such as location, time limitation, or inconvenience get in the way of caring for yourself.

There’s no need to ignore your mental health… we’re here to help!

Contact us today and begin your online mental health journey: (423) 414-4047.