About Mountain View Counseling

You’re here because you need and want to heal.

Your life is not aligning with the vision you had for it. Life has kicked you in the teeth enough times that you don’t feel like yourself anymore. You feel lost, depleted, defeated.

Your choices are inconsistent with what you really believe and value. The person you see in the mirror is unfamiliar. It’s not you.

Painful feelings of worthlessness and powerlessness have held you back and may have led to poor decisions in your life. Decisions that have cost you your self-respect, your dearest relationships, your dreams.

It’s not always safe to talk with family or friends…

… about the wounds you carry. Hell, a lot of the wounds might’ve come from them.

You fear damaging the relationships you’re trying to preserve.

And your loved ones might be carrying their own wounds that make it difficult or impossible for them to hear about yours.

That’s where we come in…

You’re safe the moment you step into our office. Our aim at Mountain View Counseling is to help you have that peaceful, safe place in which to pause and explore the most troublesome parts of your inner world.

We’ve created a confidential and comfortable space, so you’ll be able to take that step back from the problems, look up, and re-engage your values with committed action.

We will work together to untangle the knots of your history, correct the pains where they started, and then rebuild your life on a more solid foundation of self-acceptance, self-worth, and love.

We’ll silence that inner critic tearing you down so that you can regain control over your life and start making meaningful, values-driven choices.

We’ll collaborate and redirect you into a life oriented around your true values.

“I like the mountains because they make me feel small. They help me sort out what’s important in life.”
–Mark Obmascik

There’s not always time to stop and reflect…

You’re busy.

More things demand your attention than you have time for. Yeah, you could probably benefit from counseling, but who has time? So, you just push those painful thoughts to the back of your mind and instead prioritize “the urgent” right in front of you – the email from your distressed client or the toddler with a marker in his mouth.

You would love to stop, but when?

That’s why we’re here…

Unless you purposefully set aside time to heal and get healthy, something else will always be ready to demand your attention.

We call our practice Mountain View Counseling because of what you experience when you look up at a mountain. Its majesty makes you pause, stand still. Breathe. Suddenly, your mind is free to reflect and evaluate. You find peace from the chaos and the urgency, and can reorient toward the important – toward what is most valuable to you.

This is the experience we want to provide you in our office.

Counseling creates space and time for healing that will otherwise never happen amid life’s demands. And you, your relationships, and your dreams deserve it.

Is your life in line with your vision? Are your choices consistent with your values?

Call today and set up your free 20-minute phone consultation: (423) 414-4047.