
You can’t keep going… not like this.

You know… defeated and overwhelmed. You’ve been pushing and pushing to make it work… for way too long.

You’re barely keeping your head above water. You’ve sunk, and you can’t summon the energy to push toward the surface – not even to save yourself.

People depend on you. You know your kids need you to be involved and engaged. You know your performance at work is suffering, and you’ll lose your job if something doesn’t change.

The thought of letting them down pushes the rest of the breath out of your lungs.

Crushed, you’ve looked for answers.

You’ve read the articles…

Just get up and do something.

Make sure you get great sleep and exercise… and eat well!

You need to connect socially with others.

Find something of meaning to spend your time on.

While none of that is bad advice, it’s too far down the line of recovery from where you’re sitting.

And when depression is in charge of your life, it all seems impossible.

Instead, you perpetuate the depression…

… by doing things that are easier in the moment but harmful in the long run:

Not taking a shower…

Going to a drive-thru instead of preparing a healthy meal…

Binging Netflix instead of exercising…

Isolating yourself instead of calling a friend because the thought of emotionally engaging is overwhelming…

This happens when we try to start at behavioral change before we heal from the root issues: We fail, and the feelings of guilt, loneliness, and hopelessness are reinforced.

You’re beyond the point of pulling yourself up by your bootstraps.

But it’s okay to need a “hand up.” That’s where I come in.

First, allow me to understand how you’ve experienced the crushing defeat of depression. You’ll begin to feel relief as you finally have someone who gets it and cares. I’m here for you.

I’ll then teach you to engage differently with that part of your mind that has been pushing you around. You’ll find that depression is only one of many voices vying for your attention. It won’t be calling the shots anymore.

Pretty soon, you’ll begin to dispel the negative beliefs about yourself that your mind uses to keep you locked into harmful coping strategies.

We’ll then work together to find your motivation for a meaningful living!

Depression doesn’t have to be in control of your life.

You can experience life where it’s not driving your every decision, dragging you under the waters of life.

Breaking through the surface sounds like it’s going to take a lot of effort. That’s why I’m here to help. You don’t have to do it all on your own.

You’re ready to take the next step. Call today and begin regaining control in your life: (423) 414-4047.