EMDR Therapy

No matter your struggle, EMDR will likely help.

Your world is swirling, and sometimes you don’t know what to believe. Life demands keep you jumping from one thing to the next, and you can’t slow down. Something tells you that history is repeating itself, but you can’t find the time to slow down enough to figure it out. You’re just trying to survive.

You suspect that the things that happened to you aren’t in line with what’s normal. Memories of the past continue to plague your present. No matter how much you try to make better choices, the past seems to be what’s in control.

Sadly, the past has a nasty way of getting stuck in your mind. Painful experiences that you fail to resolve don’t allow you to move forward. They hang on. They ingrain in your mind as negative beliefs about yourself: “I’m worthless, I’m insignificant, I don’t matter, don’t measure up, I can’t take care of myself, I’m a fraud, a fake.” Everything around you seems to prove these beliefs, and you re-live the pain of those early traumas over and over.

If you don’t want to be controlled by the past, you must reprocess these painful memories. Then you can move forward.

Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing Therapy (EMDR) is excellent for those dealing with post-traumatic stress, anxiety, depression, addictions, self-esteem, and grief. Anyone consistently plagued by negative beliefs about themselves, thoughts that stem from painful experiences in earlier life, can benefit from EMDR.

Here’s where it came from and how it works…

Would you believe EMDR was discovered by chance??

In 1989, when Dr. Francine Shapiro effectively relieved her own anxiety and troubling thoughts after bouncing her eyes from side to side while thinking about the challenges she was facing. She then began exploring the process to see if it could help others.

EMDR leverages the body and brain’s natural healing and stress management abilities. When you sleep at night, your eyes move rapidly from side to side as your brain sorts and files all of your memories from the day. This same concept is reapplied in EMDR therapy – only you’re reprocessing and re-filing troubling memories so that they don’t elicit the same painful response in the present.

We’ll start by building trust with one another while gathering your life history contributing to the problems you’re facing today. Then, we’ll discuss the mechanics of this therapy, and I’ll answer your questions as we proceed to change your brain positively.

Relief from all those major emotional wounds is finally on the table.

With over 30 years of rigorous research, EMDR therapy has been proven to effectively reduce the stress of painful and disturbing memories, anxiety-provoking present-day circumstances, and even thoughts of future situations.

EMDR supercharges your healing. Many people find quick relief from emotional wounds after only a handful of sessions.

Imagine you look in the mirror and see someone worthy of respect, someone who matters, someone whose troubling history is no longer controlling their life. The thoughts rolling around in your head are now, “I matter, I’m worthwhile.” You’re free to make choices that serve your values for your present and future.

Want to give this therapy a try?

Let’s talk about whether this is a good option for you. Call today for your free 20-minute consultation: (423) 414-4047.