Individual Therapy

You’re looking at your life…

…and it’s crumbling around you.

Your relationships are on thin ice.

You can’t move forward in your career.

Things that used to spark excitement have no luster.

You’re thinking, “I’m the common denominator here.” You know you have a history that is weighing you down. But you’re too close to the situation to see it clearly.

Allow us to help you look up…

It sounds simple: “take a step back, look up, regain perspective.” But it’s a lot harder to do than it sounds, especially during emotional and relational turmoil. Often, the pains of your past and present circumstances block you in this effort.

Sometimes, it’s necessary to have someone (especially one trained to do so) join you in the process and assist you in this endeavor. Your expertise in your stories, memories, thoughts, and emotions and our expertise in counseling practice will create the relational, working environment that makes change possible.

Here’s how individual therapy can help…

At Mountain View Counseling, we’ll create a safe place for you to explore the wounds from your past that continue to affect your present.

When you open your deepest memories and wounds to another person, you need confidence that you’re actually safe to do so. Trust like that often takes time in all of your other relationships, and some of the stuff you need to talk about isn’t an option with those people because it’s about them.

Individual therapy functions differently from your normal friendships because you can open up a lot quicker than you would naturally. Mountain View therapists know that your stories, memories, thoughts, and emotions belong to you and will hold them with respect and honor as you work together to heal from them.

Experiencing this kind of security in the therapy office is necessary to explore the pains of your past. Our behavior in the present reflects things that have happened to us in the past, and often the places we feel stuck now have a deep connection to an old wound in your life.

We’ll confront the Jerk in your head that keeps pushing you around.

Those old wounds are where the Jerk gets his ammunition. Thoughts like, “You’re not valuable, you don’t measure up, you’re a fraud, unworthy of love, unimportant,” have their source in your painful experiences. He’s used this same tactic for years, smothering you with emotions like fear, sadness, loneliness, shame, and guilt. He has had the power.

At Mountain View Counseling, you’ll finally give yourself space and time to look up and question these messages. We’ll find out what negative messages roll around in your head and where they came from in your history. Revisiting and re-evaluating those situations with your dignity and worth as a person at the forefront of our minds, we will reframe how you view yourself because of those experiences. You’ll discover new messages, “I’m brave, I’ve persevered, I’m loving.” You’ll take power back into your own hands.

We’ll discover the most important elements of your life and orient your life around them.

With this freedom from oppressive negative thoughts that trap you in destructive behaviors, you will make decisions consistent with your individual values. We’ll explore what is most important to you in life – what a life of meaning looks like to you. You’ll clearly define these for yourself as a foundation for your future.

We’ll help you make the changes you want to see in your life and develop healthier life habits.

Next, we will start brainstorming: what are choices that will serve your values? Ultimately, you will be the one who makes these decisions, now and in the future. We will support you in implementing these values-driven decisions.

You’re ready to begin this journey, and I’m ready to join you.

Taking the step to begin individual therapy can be like taking the first step on an arduous hike. You’re probably feeling excited and apprehensive at the same time.

The great news is that you’re not alone. I’m here to join you on your journey of healing and growth.

Call today to set up your free 20-minute consultation: (423) 414-4047.